Tuesday, April 27, 2010


This entry on Passive Aggressive Notes yesterday had me cracking up:
You Burned My Feelings

I have a feeling that this is what I was like as a kid. I would not be surprised to find out that my parents have a few letters like this from me stashed away somewhere. I hope Eva turns out a whole lot sweeter than I was!!! :)

Thursday, April 22, 2010


I'm so excited! I've won a giveaway on one of my very favorite blogs, a room somewhere. The giveaway was for a swimsuit from Lime Ricki. They make super cute, yet modest, swimwear.

Our friends Matt & Lori got us a season pass to our local waterpark, Zoombezi Bay, for Christmas. I've been looking forward to spending a lot of time there this summer, but I was not looking forward to walking around the place in my swimsuit. I am feeling a lot better about that now that I'll have a new swimsuit. :)

Thanks Leslie!!!